Research Grants
Granting Agency
Principal Investigator
Faculty of Education UBC HSS Seed Grant | Teaching and learning Chinese in early Mandarin-English bilingual programs | COMP | $7000 | 2012-14 | Duff | |
UBC Hampton Fund | Representations of Chinese Language Learning in Contemporary Media. | COMP | $11,290 | 2011 | Duff | |
Hanban Office of Chinese Language Council International, Beijing. | CRCLLE | $100K/yr x 3 yrs | 2008-11 | UBC/Duff Founding Director | ||
Language socialization across sociopolitical contexts: Changing ideologies and practices surrounding English as an international language in Hungary and China | COMP | $143,641 | 2008-11 | Duff | Li |
SSHRC** | Languages, Literacies and Identities of Chinese Heritage-Language Learners at the Post-secondary Level | COMP | $91,500 | 2006-09 | Li | Duff |
HSS* | Language resocialization in Hungarian bilingual schools: Follow-up study | COMP | $ 3,000 | 2004-05 | Duff | |
SSHRC** | Int’l Travel Grant | COMP | $ 3,172 | 2002 | Duff | |
National Academy of Education (USA) | The Linguistic anthropology of education: Building momentum and incorporating new perspectives | COMP | US$ 5,000 | 2002 | Wortham (U.of Penn.) |
Collins, Duff, He, Hornberger, Kamberelis |
SSHRC** | Language socialization across post-secondary educational programs | COMP | $ 71,000 | 2002-05 | Duff | |
UBC Faculty of Education (Development Funds) | Teaching/learning processes in Mandarin as a 2nd language classrooms | COMP | $ 1,800 | 2001 | Duff | |
National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship | Language socialization in high school social studies: The construction of knowledge in multicultural discourse communities | COMP | US$ 45,000 | 1999-2001 | Duff | |
SSHRC** | Language socialization in a multilingual, multicultural learning organization | COMP | $ 93,000 | 1997-2000 | Duff | B.Mohan, M.Early |
UBC, Deans Office | Issues and advances in the teaching/learning of Asia-Pacific languages | NO | $ 5,000 | 1998 | Duff | |
Hampton Fund, UBC | Socializing language and sociocultural identity from the margins: A study of immigrant women learning English as a second language for the health professions. | COMP | $ 35,000 | 1997-98 | Duff | M.Early, B.Mohan |
SSHRC Travel Grant | To attend & present papers at World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Finland |
COMP | $ 1,559 | 1996 | Duff | |
BC Scholars to China Grant | Research on acquisition and teaching of Mandarin & ESL; Inter-institutional linkages | COMP | $ 3,000 | 1995 | Duff | |
UBC-HSS* | The acquisition of Mandarin Chinese by English speakers | COMP | $ 1,950 | 1995 | Duff | |
UBC-HSS | Evolving conceptions of teaching English as a second language in British Columbia | COMP | $ 1,950 | 1994 | Duff | |
UBC-HSS | Voices in the midst of turmoil and change: Language (re-) socialization in Hungarian dual-language schools | COMP | $ 1,992 | 1993 | Duff | |
UBC-HSS | New Faculty Computing | NO | $ 4,000 | 1993 | Duff | |
UCLA-Office for Instructional Development Grant |
How much foreign language is there in the foreign language classroom? | COMP | $ 1,200 | 1989 | Duff | C. Polio |
* HSS = Humanities and Social Sciences grant
** SSHRC = Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Research or Equivalent Contracts
Granting Agency
$ Per Year
Principal Investigator
UBC Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund | Teaching Non-traditional Language Learners (Part 3) | COMP | $ 22,500 | 2004-05 | Duff |
UBC Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund |
Teaching Non-traditional Language Learners (Part 2) | COMP | $ 25,000 | 2003-04 | Duff |
UBC Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund | Teaching Non-traditional Language Learners (Part 1) | COMP | $ 28,500 | 2002-03 | Duff |
UBC Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund | Spoken English Program | COMP | $ 33,500 | 1998-99 | Duff & Ed. Library (J. Naslund) |
UBC Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund | Spoken English Program | COMP | $ 35,000 | 1997-98 | Duff & Ed. Library (S.Adam) |
British Columbia Ministry of Education | Adult ESL outcomes in public post-secondary institutions across BC | COMP | $ 200,000 | 1996-98 | Steering Committee, Adult ESL Articulation |